Monday, 17 December 2012

Chaos Knights of Khorne WIP

Over the last week I've been trying to finish my chaos knights and I'm almost there.  I painted base colours of them a year ago so I was thinking I would be able to pump them out in a hurry... but I was wrong.  I don't think I painted all week and then ended up playing games on the weekend.  I hurried up and got all my running around done this morning so I could get some painting in this afternoon.  I'm almost done, just need to paint the leather boots, purple horns and some icons here and there.  Liking how they turned out, but not so sure I like them being khorne after my games this weekend.  But thats another post.

I used Vallejo Model Air Steel, Bright Brass, Scarlet Red for the base colours.

1 comment:

  1. Dude, Update your damn blog once in a while huh? And get the damn knights done. Want to see them ;)
